Aug 27, 2022Liked by EmilyDoyle

You are a powerful child of God, let those worn out, hollow christian cliches bounce off you like bullets off superman's chest.

(a favorite of mine = "God doesn't give you any more than you can handle" (i.e. so it must be ME that is fucked up). Arrgh.

And I am sorry your dean of nursing was such a shithead bozo.

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Yeah, those clichés can be so harmful.

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Jul 10, 2022Liked by EmilyDoyle

Em, I’m so proud of you for putting your story out into the world! There are a lot of things about Jesus and God I am seeing recently that have cause me to question things that I grew up being taught. A lot of things that I learned I realized weren’t even true. Verses taken out of context, and no love at all. A lot of “Christians” act Nothing like Christ, and it’s truly sad.

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Thank you! 💕 I’ve recently been pondering the difference between being taught to believe a certain and calling that faith versus wrestling with questions and experiences and coming to believe through that. Is faith something that can be taught? Or is it solely something learned and developed on our own?

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